End Notes
[1] Askew, The Liberal Arts College Encounters Intellectual Change : a Comparative Study of Education at Knox and Wheaton Colleges, 1837-1925, 1969.
[2] Plath, “The Secularization of Knox College”, 1977, 80.
[3] Askew, The Liberal Arts College Encounters Intellectual Change : a Comparative Study of Education at Knox and Wheaton Colleges, 1837-1925, 1969.
[4] Gale and Blanchard, A Brief History of Knox College, 1845.
[5] Blanchard, Jonathan, My Life Work, 1891.
[6]Meredith, Robert, The Politics of the Universe: Edward Beecher, Abolition, and Orthodoxy, 1963.
[7] Rights of the Congregationalists in Knox College, 1859.
[8] Rights of the Congregationalists in Knox College, 1859, 54.
[9] Plath, “The Secularization in Knox College”, 1977, 90.
[10] Plath, “The Secularization in Knox College”, 1977.
[11] Rights of the Congregationalists in Knox College, 1859, 83.
[12] Rights of the Congregationalists in Knox College, 1859, 84.
[13] Rights of the Congregationalists in Knox College, 1859, 85.
[14] Blanchard, My Life Work, 1891.
[15] Bechtel, Wheaton College: A Heritage Remembered 1860-1984, 1984.
[16] Osielski, David, “Owen Lovejoy Scholarships”, 2018.
[17] Askew, The Liberal Arts College Encounters Intellectual Change : a Comparative Study of Education at Knox and Wheaton Colleges, 1969.
Askew, Thomas A. Jr., The Liberal Arts College Encounters Intellectual Change : a Comparative Study of Education at Knox and Wheaton Colleges, 1837-1925, (Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International, 1969).
Bechtel, Paul M. Wheaton College: A Heritage Remembered 1860-1984, (Wheaton College. Wheaton, Illinois: Harold Shaw Publishers, 1984).
Blanchard, Jonathan, My Life Work, 1891, Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois.
Gale, George Washington and Jonathan Blanchard, A Brief History of Knox College, Situated in Galesburgh, Knox County, Illinois; With Sketches of the First Settlement of the Town With a Discourse on “Public Men, and Public Institutions of the Church'',1845, Box 1, File 7 “Gale Family Papers, Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois.
Osielski, David, “Owen Lovejoy Scholarships”, Recollections: Retelling Stories from Buswell Library Special Collections, Wheaton College, 2018.
Plath, “The Secularization of Knox College”, (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1977), Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. 80.
Rights of the Congregationalists in Knox College; Being the Report of a Committee of Investigation, of the General Association of Illinois; with an Appendix (Chicago, Illinois: Church, Goodman, & Cushing, Pr’s. “Cong. Herald,’ &c., 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1859), Box 1, File 14 “Safe Documents”, Special Collections and Archives, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois.